Sunday, November 18, 2012

Give thanks and praise to our Lord!

As Thanksgiving approches, we are reminded of all that we are thankful for. But, are we remembering thank God for all of this?  Luke 17 11-19 reminds us to thank God.

 After Jesus healed the ten men who had leprosy, only one came back to thank Him.  Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?" 

At times we can all be like the nine lepers and forget to thank God. This Thanksgiving and every day for that matter remember to give thanks and praise to God, for He is the one who has truly blessed and enriched our lives.

Before watching and discussing Luke 17 11-19 we wrote down all that we were thankful for on sticky notes.  After looking at our lists, we decided that we should stick our lists to the cross...after all that is who deserves our thanks and praise. 

God is so good to provide for our every need. In Psalm 118 we are given an even greater reason to thank Him: His love endures forever.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

YES! We had our first meeting!

So happy that the first J Walkers meeting finally happened!  I am so excited for all the J Walker enthusiasm and all the fun ideas we have for our group.  Please encourage your friends to join us at our next meeting...all are welcome!

Our devotion today was Matthew 6:33
    But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

I know it can be hard to put God first in our lives, when we have homework, after school activities, friends, and responsibilities.  However as Matthew 6:33 tells us, when we put God first in our lives, everything else will "fit."  Just think about our experiment with the golf balls (God) and rice (everything else). When we filled our cup with everything else, God did not fit.  However, when we filled our cup with God first, everything else fit.

Don't forget that some of you are helping at Sunday's service on October 21st. 

Our next meeting will be November 18th from 3:00 to 4:00.  We will piggy back with the Kids of the Kingdom.

                            COMING SOON!

After each J Walker meeting I will post a J Walker devotional reflection question. Please respond to the question by adding a comment. 

J Walker devotional reflection...
How have you put God first in your life?